Microsoft Flight Simulator™

World update 6 shows up ! Then I can post POIs assets that I was in charge for MSFS 2020 as 3D artist at Gaya Simulations.
Great first AAA experience where I was able to learn new tips about optimizing props, modular and texturing.

ps: Thanks to Morinius Switch Gaming from YouTube, there is a little close up on the castle :

Tarasp Castle, Switzerland

Tarasp Castle, Switzerland

London Stansted Airport

London Stansted Airport

- modular parts -

- modular parts -

Lübeck Airport, Germany

Lübeck Airport, Germany

Lugano Airport, Switzerland

Lugano Airport, Switzerland

The Marble Church, Copenhagen

The Marble Church, Copenhagen

- Turntable 3d modeling test | trim sheet used for the lower part -

Microsoft Flight Simulator – Austria, Germany, Switzerland World Update Trailer